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Current Amplifier Modules Current Amplifier Modules
Top Seller
  • Convert Small Currents to Usable Voltages
  • Variable Gain
  • High Speed and Low Noise Designs
Dual Phase Lock-In Amplifier Dual Phase Lock-In Amplifier
  • Dual Phase Operation with Modulus(R) Calculation
  • Differential or Single-Ended Input
  • Gain Setting from 3μV to 1V
  • High Performance Wide Bandwidth Input Gain Stage
  • Analogue Meter for Display of X, Y or R Output Signals
  • Separate X, Y and R Output BNCs
  • X and Y Offset Controls
  • Output Time Constants from 100μs to 30s
  • 1F and 2F Reference Signal Operation
  • 90° Step or Fine Phase Control

Amplifiers are used to amplify the energy output of photodetectors as well as convert their electrical signal for a number of illumination measurement or spectroscopy applications. Amplifiers are digital systems that amplify the low electrical current transmitted by photodetectors to easily detectable levels. Amplifiers also convert photodetectors’ electrical current into voltage so that their signal may be read by other digital devices. Amplifiers are indispensable for nearly any light measurement applications by greatly increasing the usability of a detector system.
